Chinese jade carving is the oldest one of the varieties of carving. As early as the late Neolithic period, Yu Zhi, there will be a tool of the Chinese nation. Shang and Zhou dynasties, jade system as a professional, has become a ritual jade utensils and decorative pieces of carry. Jade has always been regarded as treasures in ancient China, jade was regarded as a good sign of material goods and a symbol of a gentleman's demeanor.
Yu, is the actual quality of the stone. There are many types of jade, white jade, topaz, jasper, jade and agate, turquoise, Furong Dan, and so on. Cut and polish jade processed into exquisite handicrafts, jade carving is called. Technology Division in the production process, according to Liu Yu-natural colors and natural shape, is designed repeatedly refined in order to make exquisite jade stone crafts. Many varieties of jade carving, the main characters, equipment, birds, flowers, and other large works, but also pins, rings, seals, jewelry, and other small works. Beijing's Palace Museum collection in a large-scale jade carving, "Yu Water", shows the superb artistry of Chinese jade carving.
Chinese jade are the main source in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Liaoning, Jiangsu, Xinjiang and other places. The Chinese jade works in the world enjoy a high reputation.
By respect for the Chinese people cherish. Since the beginning of civilization, to date, regardless of how Chinese culture has experienced tremendous Jitang, Chong Yu Ai-yu and the national sentiment is still deep-rooted, long jade carving art has never. Oriental civilization in the wisdom of jade on a bright scintillation light, which is the traditional Chinese arts and crafts in one of the most attractive, we should cherish. "The Beauty of Jade Stone" carry forward China's jade culture!