Tang Yin agricultural training plans
Tang Yin (1470-1523), Bohu word, the word of fear, do not justify, such as six, Peach Anzhu, defectors and other officials Zen Xian, Suzhou people. Hongzhi 1922 (1498), should be the first Tianfu Provincial Examination, the following year because of the implicated by field, into the career. A "Merry Jiangnan first Talent." The painting poems. Landscape painting longer, and fine figures, the beginning of the division matter Zhou Chen, the reputation of the blue. Shenzhou division has, on for Lee and Li Tang and Zhao Mengfu, Wang Meng all home, and since a new, four in the name of a particular.
This axis for the middle-aged Miao T, Yuan-Shan painting near the water, Rang Wo Qianmo, Tingtailouxie, clouds Yinyun the Jiangnan Xiangju other industry scenario and into North-South style as one, Qingyi, figures or fishing, or will Chess, or reading classes, also a boat trip from carrying Qin, the images are vivid. Tishi one must also cut Shibi.
Tang Yin landscapes are rough, two fine style. T rough way for the Southern Song Dynasty "in hospital" to preserve the mountain Xiongjun Kennedy Qiao stone, rigorous structure, Fupicunfa, Jinjian use a pen, ink and other characteristics Lin Li, also of fundamental blindly rigid, Bi compared yen To show small, bright viewfinder and more briefly, Cunfa full of changes, Phi Ma, Chai-and chaos, and wipe with Zhuo, also created the "short Fupicunfa" of the surface for the line, when black white, Xiongjin disclosed in the dredging Discovered. This imitation of "House of" the landscape, from the appearance of God and, particularly Qingjunxiuyi of rhyme, the Li-wah in "More Shuixuan Diary" in the assessment of Zhou Chen Tang Yin and other "of the East Village and the old, Bo Hu and Chao Yi-run show, Qiyun naturally different. " Fine T is Tang Yin qualities of painting landscapes, painting the literati more Yiyun, characterized by: Qinglang scenery simple, deliberately at close-range portrait vision briefly; small brush Jin center, as if Yousi depiction, but not weak defibrillators, which are in rhyme , Gangrouxiangji; Cunfa changes rich, cutting short and long Cun, Shun T, inverse cents, to pack, turn round to use, not identified specific Cunfa, but instead of miscellaneous chaos, flexible justified; Moselinli, rich shades level, cloth Man full size is not significant Pocu, a show-run, and air inspiration. This style, with the literati paintings from the gods of old, such as Lee first, "Lu painting materials" by the commentary: "If Tang Yin Jia wave sen, who is poet sales numbers of monks, Mrs Diana Wong Ip Wan in the promenade under."