Tang Yin-step map River
Tang Yin is a Shitaiyanliang have suffered a taste of the painter and later became home, "according to the Tongpu, Fuqifanmu, in the dog have Ning, when doors and macrophages." Painter in a letter to Wen Zhengming, said: "If burning of Kunshan, jade were destroyed, indecent difficulties, to the public by the evil, Haineisuiyi yin to the despised disabilities, Woquan of bile, if the enemy to. Know and I do not know, are Means and Tuo, Shen Yi also a shame! "Tang Yin in landscape painting has a deep knowledge. He will be the Northern Song Dynasty Guo Xi the entire mountain panorama, the odd twists and turns dangerous, careful Jinjian characteristics, and the Southern Song Dynasty Liu Song, Li Tang to see the small, white or black, simple and bright organic practices together and create their own well - Xiong Jin-Kuang and beautiful art style. "Step River map" that is, this style of Tang Yin landscapes works.
This map drawn Qifeng Bili, cloud Margaret Ng Mi Meng. Hiraoka old trees in the jungle foothills, Panchiao streams, audio Shanfeng Sa-Sa, moods open Huang Shu. XU Bu Postponed one person, one with the relative standing expression Yiran. Yiwenxilian smooth, the wind flying sleeves, vivid portrait of the leisurely pace comfortable image of the hermit. Cang show a pen, composition lofty, frame both the Southern Song Dynasty [House of] painting legacy, but also has the Yuan Dynasty literati paintings Xiuya characteristics. Since the upper right-Tishi: [BU temporary housing on the river, to open the door near the first step. Yue-chiao-intercity, Geng Yi-fishing is seeking. Pai Ta Shan Xiao-qing, the Green Wave Qing Yang Zhou. Main-jun in the Xuehai, pillow-Shu clean. Gu Su Shi Sheng Tang Yin to "step River map" and that Feng, who was Lebanon boss. Under the Indian Qian.